
As part of a collaboration with Nova Scotia’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, UINR produced this set of videos to support curriculum outcomes for the provincial Netukulimk 12 course. These videos highlight examples of Mi’kmaw values being applied in UINR’s initiatives and ongoing work, and although UINR’s work is based mainly in Unama’ki, Cape Breton Island, the values can be applied and lived universally.
Videos in the series include:
- Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources: Guiding Principles
- Salmon Ceremony: Honouring our Relationships with Plamu
- Maliamuki’k Msɨt Ko’kqmanaq
- Lessons in Netukulimk: Sweetgrass with Tuma Young
- Community Feast: Honouring our Relationships with Tiam
- Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas
Species at Risk

Maliamu’kik Msit Ko’kqmanaq | Taking Care of All Our Relations
UINR’s Maliamu’kik Msit Ko’kqmanaq program leads research and conservation of species at risk and culturally significant species in Unama’ki. “Maliamu’kik Msit Ko’kqmanaq”, which means “taking care of all our relations”, weaves together knowledge from Elders, knowledge holders and community partners to identify important habitats and to foster our relationships with all species. These videos highlight our work with a number of species native to Mi’kmaw territory, once abundant but now listed as species at risk.
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