UINR’s Guardian Program Liaison Coordinator works with Eskasoni, Membertou, Potlotek, Wagmatcook, and We'koqma'q First Nations to promote a coordinated and collaborative effort to protect natural resources in the Mi’kmaw traditional territory of Unama’ki.
Each of the five Unama’ki communities maintain an agreement with Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the delivery of their Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy (AFS) program which outlines their community's access to fisheries resources for Food, Social, and Ceremonial use. The AFS program also provides resources for the delivery of community guardian programs.
UINR’s Guardian Program Liaison Coordinator works to facilitate discussions between guardians and Federal and Provincial governments to assist communities in broadening their AFS programs to enable them to take a more wholistic approach to natural resource management.

Keith Christmas

Charlotte Denny