
At the soul of everything we do at UINR is Netukulimk.

Netukulimk is the use of the natural bounty provided by the Creator for the self-support and well-being of the individual and the community. Netukulimk is achieving adequate standards of community nutrition and economic well-being without jeopardizing the integrity, diversity, or productivity of our environment.

As Mi’kmaq we have an inherent right to access and use our resources and we have have a responsibility to use those resources in a sustainable way. The Mi’kmaq way of resource management includes a spiritual element that ties together people, plants, animals, and the environment. UINR’s strength is in our ability to integrate scientific research with Mi’kmaq knowledge acquisition, utilization, and storage.

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UINR Partnership Tenets

UINR Partnership Tenets

May 12, 2021Aquatic Stewardship, Commerical Fisheries, Forestry, Guardian Program, IPCA, Library, Media, Moose, Netukulimk, Partnerships, Research

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Mackerel MEK

November 5, 2020Aquatic Stewardship, Netukulimk, Research

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Indigenous Protected & Conserved Areas (IPCAs) Report

September 25, 2020Guardian Program, IPCA, Netukulimk, News, Partnerships, Research, Species at Risk

This report was commissioned to describe the initiation of an exploratory study gathering Mi’kmaw views from all five communities in Unama’ki – Eskasoni, Membertou, Potlotek, Wagmatcook and We’koqma’q – regarding what they think is important to include in a management plan for Mi’kmaq-led Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). The study used the Kluskap Wilderness … Read More

2019 Scholarships posted!

May 28, 2019Forestry, MELC, Netukulimk, News, Opportunities, Partnerships, People

It’s scholarship time of year again! We have three scholarships available again this year. We partner with Port Hawkesbury Paper to offer Forestry Scholarship and a Science/Technology Scholarship. And we partner with Georgia Pacific on a Science/Technology Scholarship. Deadline is Friday June 14th. Get your application in!

Mala Clean Up – Come Join us!

May 28, 2018Netukulimk, News

It’s that time again – time to clean up Malikewe’j! The dumpsters are there already. Start filling them up, and then join us on June 6th to clean up the community.

Fishing Striped Bass? We need your help!

April 18, 2018Netukulimk, News, Opportunities, Research

UINR is looking for fishers to help us gather genetic information on Striped Bass to determine spawning origin. We are asking fishers who retain fish to collect fin clips and measure length (and stomach contents are helpful). If you fish or are planning to fish for Striped Bass along the eastern coast of Cape Breton … Read More

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